The Palace Arsonist
By Alejandro Torres Navas el Kiko
May 22, 2022

The incendiary, arrogant, self-centered, misogynist, lunatic, victimized, intolerant, fanatic, pernicious, lacerating, persecutory, disqualifying, insulting, discriminatory, incriminating discourse is what has been heard during the almost three years in power of the so-called PEJE, Yes, the same Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the one with the discourse of hate, revenge, resentment, bitterness, rancor, poured from his tribune of power and with all the force of the state, against everything and everyone who does not agree with his so-called " 4 T or The fourth transformation".
Journalists, feminists, businessmen, professionals, researchers, scientists, doctors, women, students, academics, politicians, families, fathers, mothers, women, children suffering from cancer, trusts, organizations, and many more, have been the target of his narcissism, fury, anger, rage, disqualifications, criticisms, murmurings, mockery, rage, and all kinds of outrages and insinuations.
Victim of his own mental persecution of neoliberalism, as he calls and qualifies it, has been unable to meet the challenge, the venue has been too big for him, where his early morning rants, his virulent outbursts and visceral expressions, thoughts and actions have exhibited him as a mediocre and frustrated politician sunk in incompetence and incendiary discourse to impose his decadent project of supposed and lying transformation.

Trying to promote new policies in favor of the people, he has launched a frenzied and merciless, and aberrant crusade to discredit, expose and denigrate everything and everyone who disagrees with his worn out national projects, public scorn from power has been the weapon under the pretext of freedom of expression and the right to reply, which, by the way, is very unequal.
Casting a stone and hiding his hand, claims that there is no imposition, no revenge, no persecution, and that there is a right to free speech and discrepancy, but on the other hand, he embarks on a hunt, attacks with all the power of the state with an implacable vengeance. He protects, covers up and conceals the criminals of his administration, covering up for his closest associates, and always has a scurrilous response for when his hypocritical rectitude is besieged by reality and his tremendous lies, deceits and falsehoods come to light, as well as the deceitful traps and dirty laundry of his actions.
Casting a stone and hiding his hand, claims that there is no imposition, no revenge, no persecution, and that there is a right to free speech and discrepancy, but on the other hand, he embarks on a hunt, attacks with all the power of the state with an implacable vengeance. He protects, covers up and conceals the criminals of his administration, covering up for his closest associates, and always has a scurrilous response for when his hypocritical rectitude is besieged by reality and his tremendous lies, deceits and falsehoods come to light, as well as the deceitful traps and dirty laundry of his actions.
A quarrelsome, truculent, satrap, egocentric, leonine, aberrant, pyromaniac, vindictive, immoderate, petulant, prudish, ideological, friend of tyrants, chieftains, suppressors and satraps, absurd, farcical, sly, obstinate, cynical, impertinent, impertinent, and many other descriptive qualities of his postures and impostures, give account of his passage, without pain or glory through the highest place in Mexican politics, of which he has not finished realizing that he holds.
His infamous and belligerent imprecatory rhetoric presents him as a character prey to his own demons that are consuming him and plunging him into the worst of his failures and larceny of what could have been the greatest and most extraordinary presidential administration if he would dedicate himself to that and not to denigrate and exhibit himself as an anachronistic, crude and vulgar politician.
With his excessive prevalence of misleading data and his sudden and circus-like morning shows, deceitful and misleading statements, and his imaginary stories that he discourses on a daily basis where he is the humble hero, have resulted in a, turbid, ferocious, ineffective, sinister, vengeful, vindictive, litigious and mocking six-year period, with constant aggression to the public and a complete mockery of the Mexican government.
Now, yes, he has really outgrown the mare....